OK.. trying not to be too picky, but Pisa is a pretty grotty city. We took a train here from Firenze, and walked up to the Campo dei Miracoli or Field of Miracles from the station. This is beautiful and green, and the Leaning Tower is as spectacularly .. well.. leaning... as you would expect. It looks weird.
The Duomo and the Baptistry are gorgeous. Started in 1064, the outside of the Duomo (the Cathedral) has a facade of grey marble and white stone, set with discs of coloured marble. The pointed arches point to Muslim influences. There are massive bronze doors, not unlike the ones in Florence.

Next to these is the Baptistry. This was built in the 12th century and is dedicated to John the Baptist. It's a few centimetres higher than the Leaning Tower, which is quite surprising.

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