Anyway last Friday saw me back in the Qantas international lounge at Tulla heading for Malahide, just north of Dublin, where I had the honour of representing Australia in the IEA General Assembly. Five days in beautiful Ireland and then time for me to head back south again, to Singapore then across to Delhi. The day started well in Dublin where the girl on checkin blithely tagged my bag as 'heavy' at 27kg but didn't even hassle me about excess baggage - let alone charge me for it :) Then had the good fortune to be upgraded to business on the London-Singapore flight, and was already on business for the Singapore to Delhi so arrived feeling a bit worse for wear in terms of time adjustment, but not as bad as it could have been. Bag arrived safely, driver from the hotel there to pick me up, all's well!
So to bed at about 12.30am, then up again at 4.45 for a 5.15 pickup to take me to Delhi Station to catch the train to Agra. Interesting. Would probably have paid extra to be in a more comfortable cabin, but it was ok. Just after we left the hotel a little piglet trotted past. Yep, I did say a piglet.
Arrived in Agra at about 8.30, got out of the bedlam they fondly refer to as a carpark then headed for the hotel. Road fairly chaotic, cattle everywhere, horses with carts, tuktuks, bike rickshaws and people on scooters, bikes, you name it.
Car screened before entering, checked underneath with a mirror and in the boot and under the bonnet, then bags scanned on the way in. Rested until the afternoon then off to see Agra Fort. Very lovely, especially with all the red sandstone. Walked all around with the tour guide explaining all about the palace. Big pack of monkeys near the entrance to the fort had a major domestic dispute, much to the amusement of all there, resulting in the large male (and yes, he was QUITE large...LOL) climbing up a tree, angrily shaking it and glaring down at the younger monkeys. Very amusing, although one of the little ones was shaking.....
Way back fairly uneventful except saw a camel on the side of the road in amongst some cattle, dressed up and loaded up, and a guy on a bike with a little trailer with a water tank on the back. Other than that just lots of people, dirt, rubbish and life!
Early night tonight after a delicious meal in the restaurant - very indian, very yummy! Pick up at 5.15am I think to go to the Tak Mahal at dawn.
Must show the driver how to focus my camera - he took rather a good shot of me with the Taj in the background - except it is in focus and I am not....
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