OK... well hopefully first impressions aren't the lasting ones. I thought Pisa was a grotty dirty place - this is worse. coming into Milan on the shuttle took us through many of the highly industrial areas, and into the main train station. I was immediately accosted by several gypsies whining and demanding money, by rubbish everywhere and people pushing and shoving. Despite the hotel being 'close to the main train station', it was a 10 Euro trip there, through streets where there had obviously been a street veggie market, with huge piles of rubbish strewn all over the footpath and road, and bags and rubbish flying everywhere. Even around the hotel here - the planters have sticks in them, presumably which were once plants, and they are filled with rubbish. The hotel is about 15 mins walk from the Duomo, so not too bad I guess for the price, but it's also right next to a church that rings its bells every half hour! EEEKKKK! It's nearly 10pm now, can't wait! ahh yes here we go....

Took a bus down to the Duomo. As is usual for me, the front of it is shrouded and scaffolded, they are thankfully cleaning it, but I can only guess from the rest of it what it's like. The brochure describes it as 'flamboyant Gothic', and that it certainly is! It's the third largest church in the world after St Peters in Rome and the Seville Cathedral, and is topped by 135 spires, ornamented by 3159 statues (2245 on the outside!!) 96 giants on the spouts and 3600 scenes and figures on the stained glass windows. More photos of that tomorrow when the light is better.

All around it is filthy. Everything is ingrained with grime, there is pigeon shit everywhere, and clearly the Italians don't care where their dogs take a crap. The statue of Victor Emmanuel II in the plaza in front of the Duomo is an example- it could do with restoration.
Next to the Duomo is the large Victor Emmanuel II Galleria, which is, I believe, where the rich go to shop. I'll go for a window shop tomorrow - the prices are truly amazing!!
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