Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Lanzerote, Canary Islands

Well it's a new year and the first trip starts in the Canary Islands, at Arrecife on Lanzerote. Long trip here, via Singapore and London, a transfer to Gatwick and then a flight to Lanzerote. All up travelling time just over 40 hours. I'm not sure there's anywhere on earth that's further from Oz!

Anyway after a long sleep, we headed off to the little town of Teguise on Sunday morning, where they have a market. Very sunny and I'd left my sunglasses at home, so had to buy a pair of Chanels from a man at the market. :) I'm SURE they're real Chanel! NOT!

Very pretty, very Spanish town, as you can see from the photos. We wandered around the market for some hours, then found a lovely restaurant and sat for three hours over tapas and a bottle of wine. Of course I hadn't thought about sunblock, so got sunburt. amazing that I can get through an Australian summer without burning once and one day in Spain and I'm burnt! It's unexpected I guess, as the sun isn't as hot as it is at home, so you don't actually feel like you're getting burnt. Still I should have taken a hat :(Monday is all work, and the weather is cool and overcast anyway. Shops are closed between 1 and 4pm, then re-open until about 10 at night, so we'll go for a wander downtown after work and see what we can see. However first impressions of Arrecife is that it's like a small Surfer's, with tacky apartment buildings and tacky hotels. The Arrecife Grand is a huge green glass monstrosity, perched on the promenade and hogging the whole skyline. I'm on the 15th floor, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, which is very calm on this side of the island.

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