We left Broome early the next morning and headed the 230km north to Derby. We stopped in at the boab prison tree and the world's longest cattle trough. Hmmm. This knocked two of the highlights off the list of things to do in Derby even before we got there. Oh well... we went off to see the long jetty and the high tide - this is one of those places with enormous inter-tidal zones - almost 10m at times.
Wednesday, today, we were picked up at about 9am and taken to Derby airport to fly to the horizontal waterfalls at Talbot Bay. The flight was fantastic - in a little single-engined
Located deep within Talbot Bay in the Buccaneer Archipelago are the Horizontal Waterfalls. Massive tidal movements create a waterfall effect as water banks up against one side of the narrow cliff passage, to be repeated again on the turning tide.
The twin gaps are part of the McLarty Ranges, which have two ridges running parallel approximately 300 metres apart. The first and most seaward gap is about 20 metres wide and the second, most spectacular, gap is about 10 metres wide.

The waterfall phenomena has been described by David Attenborough as "one of the greatest natural wonders of the world".
We got onto the boats, which are superbly luxurious, with flatscreen plasmas and lovely beds! We should have stayed overnight!!! Anyway, after a wander around we went off on a boat to Cyclone Creek. Cruised up there, admiring the rocks and the beautiful colour of the water. Lovely and relaxing, but no swimming as there are lots of saltwater crocs in here, not to mention hammerhead sharks, tiger sharks and sea snakes. There were also supposed to be turtles and dolphins but we didn't see any :(
Back to the boat and lunchtime - superb barbecued fresh barramundi, spuds and salad. Then a couple of hours just sitting around talking and watching the wildlife.
After the sitting around we went out onto the little wave shooter and headed off to the falls. This was absolutely awesome. You can see the water being pushed through the gap in the rocks, dropping about 2m at this point. We went through and back several times, and when I can get photos off the little camera I will post something. But it was great fun and one of the highlights of the trip so far.
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