Monday, February 21, 2011


Pompeii was destroyed and completely buried during a long catastrophic eruption of the volcano Mount Vesuvius spanning two days in 79 AD. The eruption buried Pompeii under 4 to 6 metres of ash and pumice, and it was lost for over 1,500 years before its accidental rediscovery in 1599.
On the left you can see the entrance to Pompeii - up a steep slope from what was quite near to the sea - so named the Porta Marina. Sailors used to come to Pompeii frequently. The people of Pompeii used to flood the streets to keep the city clean, and the big stones you csn see int he road int he picture to the left is so that people can cross the street without getting their feet wet! They are all evenly spaced so a chariot could go through the gaps!
On the right right is part of the Curia - where the senate met in ancient times.

Below : the first is a bronze statue of Apollo - just imagine him holding a bow... Next to that is one of the many dogs in Pompeii - they are very sweet and there is a program underway to cull the numbers in the most humane way - by people adopting them and offering the dogs homes and love :)

Next - two of the victims ....

Below.. this mosaic is believed to be the earliest "Beware of the dog" door mat!
On the right, part of the public baths, or Terme, in Pompeii. These are beautifully preserved.

Now it is apparent from all the bits and bobs in the Napoli museum, that the Pompeiins were not prudes...

On the ground, embedded in the stone, is a phallic symbol, apparently pointing the way to the brothel area... one of the brothels is very well preserved, and apart from the fact that I find it hard to believe anyone could have sex on stone beds, I guess it all depends on just how long you'd been at sea!

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