Tuesday, as I said, we took a couple of trains - first the fast train to Napoli, then into the basement of the station to catch the local train to Sorrento, called the Circumvesuviana - love it! Disembarked at Pompeii and decided that as it was furthest, we would take the bus as far as went up Mt Vesuvius. Of course Vesuvius is still an active volcano, last erupting in 1944. It's main claim to fame, however, is the eruption in 79 AD when it covered Pompeii and Herculaneum.
So we zig zagged up the side of the mountain, stopping about halfway to "admire the view" of Napoli, and of course b

Anyway we continued up the mountain, up to the 1000m point, at which the bus stopped and let us out in a rather drab parking area.
The rest of the way was on foot. OMG. I looked at it, I started it, I really did not see how I could possibly do this! Michael was forging ahead, however, so I kind of had to.

However 40 mins later we made it to the Caldera - where this view awaited us...

Climb down much easier - and then back ont he bus and back to Pompeii.
And that, my children, will have to wait or another day.
After what seems like half a cow for dinner, plus red wine and then cider in the Irish pub on the way home, Michael is snoring gently away and I am fzalling asleep. Nighty night, will try and do some more tomorrow. In the mean time there are tons of photos on Facebook...
for these ones...xxx Sue
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